Sunday, 3 June 2018

What is Monitor in Operating System

What is Monitor in Operating System:


 Monitor is a high level implementation technique to solve the critical section problem. It provides abstraction for shared data variable.

 Syntax of monitor is as following-

type  monitor_name = monitor

Section -1 :

  Declaration of shared data variables.


Procedure Procedure_name P1()

Procedure Procedure_name P2()

Procedure Procedure_name P3()


Section - 3: 

   Initialization of code 


The above monitor code is consist three section-

Section - I:
In section first we declare all the shared data items which are use in the given problem.

In this section we declare all the methods / operations involve in the given problem.

Section -III:
  In this section we initialize the variables and procedures.


To access monitor the process use condition stub as following-

var : x, y : condition ; to access the shared data item only two preemptive are involve [wait () & signal ( ) ].

for example:

To block a process-

x.wait( ) function are used means that all the processes are block until another process resume it.

and Second Operation-

y . signal ( ) means that particular process are resume which are suspended by any other process or operation.

Dining Philosopher Problem using Monitor:


 type monitor name: DP

var : state [ 0 - - - - 4 ] of (hungry, thinking , eat );
var : self [ 0 - - - - -4 ] of condition;
procedure pickup ( i: 0 - - - - 4 ] 


state [i] =hungry;
test (i) ;
if state [i] != Eat;
self [i] .wait;

procedure put-up [ i: 0 - - - - 4 ]
state [i] = thinking;

test (i mod 5 );
test ( i + 1 mod 5 ) ;

Procedure test ( i : 0 - - - - 4 )
if ( state [ i + 4  mod 5] != eat and state [ i + 1 mod 5] != eat and state [i] = hungry

state [i] =Eat ;
self [i] .signal ;


initialization section:

for ( i=0 ; i<= 4 ; i ++ )

state [i] =think;

Producer Consumer Problem using Monitor:

int itemconut =0;
procedure producer ( )
while ( true )
item =produceitem( );
if ( itemcount == BUFFER_SIZE )
sleep ( );

Put itemIntoBuffer (item );
itemcount =itemcount + 1;
if (itemcount = = 1)
wakeup ( consumer );

procedure consumer ()

while (true)
if (itemcount == 0)

item=removeitemformbuffer ();
itemcount = itemcount -1 ;
if(itemcount == BUFFER_SIZE -1 )
wakeup (producer);
consumeritem (item);

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