How to create Simple Billing Invoice in VB.NET
how to create invoice in
Drag & Drop 16 TextBox Control ,10 Label and 1 Button control .
Invoice Form screenshot |
Source code:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Declaring the quantity to buy
Dim qtyone As Decimal
Dim qtytwo As Decimal
Dim qtythree As Decimal
' Declaring the item that you are going to buy
Dim itemone As String
Dim itemtwo As String
Dim itemthree As String
'Declaring the price for 1 item
Dim unitpriceone As Decimal
Dim unitpricetwo As Decimal
Dim unitpricethree As Decimal
' Declaring the price for each one
Dim priceunitone As Decimal
Dim priceunittwo As Decimal
Dim priceunitthree As Decimal
' the total calculation everything added
Dim total As Decimal
' setting the quantity to be in those textboxes
qtyone = Val(TextBox1.Text)
qtytwo = Val(TextBox2.Text)
qtythree = Val(TextBox3.Text)
' setting the items to be in those textboxes
itemone = TextBox8.Text
itemtwo = TextBox9.Text
itemthree = TextBox10.Text
' setting the price/ 1 item to be in those textboxes
unitpriceone = Val(TextBox4.Text)
unitpricetwo = Val(TextBox5.Text)
unitpricethree = Val(TextBox6.Text)
' setting the price / each one to be in those textboxes
priceunitone = Val(TextBox7.Text)
priceunittwo = Val(TextBox11.Text)
priceunitthree = Val(TextBox12.Text)
' calculating the price for each one
TextBox7.Text = unitpriceone * qtyone
TextBox11.Text = unitpricetwo * qtytwo
TextBox12.Text = unitpricethree * qtythree
' calculating the subtotal
TextBox13.Text = (unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree)
' calculating the GST
TextBox14.Text = 0.06 * ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))
' calculating the PST
TextBox15.Text = 0.07 * ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))
'setting what the total will equal to
total = (0.07 * ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))) + (0.06 * ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))) + ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))
' calculating the total price gst + pst + subtotal
TextBox16.Text = (0.07 * ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))) + (0.06 * ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))) + ((unitpriceone * qtyone) + (unitpricetwo * qtytwo) + (unitpricethree * qtythree))
'displaying the information
Label10.Text = "Thankyou for purchasing the following items: " & Chr(13) & "You have purcheased: " & qtyone & " of " & itemone & " =&" & Val(TextBox7.Text) & Chr(13) & "You have purcheased: " & qtytwo & " of " & itemtwo & " =&" & Val(TextBox11.Text) & Chr(13) & "You have purcheased: " & qtythree & " of " & itemthree & " =&" & Val(TextBox13.Text)
End Sub
End Class
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How to create Invoice system in
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