Sunday, 20 May 2018

what is Scheduling algorithm evaluation in Operating System with example?

what is Scheduling algorithm evaluation in Operating System?

There are 3 process to evaluation of scheduling algorithm.

Deterministic Model
Queuing model

Deterministic model:

¡This model is based on algorithmic analysis of the scheduling algorithms in which we can apply all the algorithms on a specific problem and calculate their average waiting time, who’s average waiting time is less , that algorithm is better in comparison to all other scheduling algorithm.

Queue model:

¡It is based on the mathematical analysis of the system in which we can analysis the performance of the system based on three parameter.
a.Average Length of the queue
b.Average Arrival rate
c.Average waiting time


¡Simulation is based on the software programming approach in which we calculate the performance of the system by implementing specific programs for each algorithms.

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