Exception Handling:
execution of a program some abnormal conditions might be occurring due to these
abnormal conditions running program might be terminated suddenly.
If program
will not be able to handle these abnormal condition then these abnormal
condition will be converted into errors.
Due to this
error in this case execution of the program will be terminated. But if program
will be able to handle these abnormal conditions, then this abnormal condition
converted into exception. And this process is called Exception Handling.
JVM is
responsible to convert abnormal condition into exception.
Exception Object:
In java
everything is represented in the form of object. So exception will also be
represented in the form of object.
objects will be created by JVM. Following Classes are available in java Library
to create exception object.
Throwable Class Classification |
Activities in exception handling classes:
1. Creating Exception Object:
when JVM encounters an abnormal condition JVM convert it into an exception. In this case JVM create an object of corresponding exception class ( such as Arithmetic Exception, Null Pointer Exception, IO Exception etc )
Throwing exception object:
after creating
exception object JVM throws that object towards the program to catch it so that
information is store in that object can be show to the user. This process is
also known as raising exception.3. Catching exception object:
this is the process in which exception object is caught by the running
program for this we need to write exception handling code inside the program.
This code is known as “Exception Handler”.
if running program does not have exception handler or matching exception handler. Then exception object will take a U turn and in this case exception object will catch by JVM and information store in that object will be shown to the user but program will be terminated.
if running program does not have exception handler or matching exception handler. Then exception object will take a U turn and in this case exception object will catch by JVM and information store in that object will be shown to the user but program will be terminated.
What is Throwable Class:
This is top
most class in the hierarchy of exception.
It is super
class of all errors and exception. JVM create and throws object of throwable
class ( or one of its subclass) it has following two Childs.
Error Class:
JVM create and throws an object of error class for those abnormal conditions that can not be handle by the program.
it means object of this classes can not be caught.
JVM create and throws an object of error class for those abnormal conditions that can not be handle by the program.
it means object of this classes can not be caught.
Exception Class:
JVM creates and throws an object of exception class for those abnormal condition that can be handled by the program.
JVM creates and throws an object of exception class for those abnormal condition that can be handled by the program.
Some Common Exception:
Arithmetic exception:
exception is throws when a number is divide by zero.
public class JavaExceptionExample{
public static void main(String args[]){
//code that may raise exception
int data=100/0;
}catch(ArithmeticException e){System.out.println(e);}
//rest code of the program
System.out.println("rest of the code...");
2 Array
Index out of Bound exception:
exception is raised when an attempt is made to access array elements beyond the
element of array.
class AA
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ int []num={8,10,20,30};
This Exception is raised
when an object will be used without allocating memory for it.
public class JJ{
public static void main(String args[]){
String s=null;
exception is thrown when down casting of the object has been done into wrong
Class A{
}Class B extends A{
}Class C extends A{
}Class BB{
Public static void main (String []args)
{A obj=new B();
C obj2=(C) obj; //down casting
Putting Handler:
This is the
process in which exception object has been caught by the running program in
this case program has written following block to catch the exception object.
1. Try Block:
in this block exception showing statement should be written It means those statement of the method that might throw the exception should be guard in this try block.Try block must used with at least one catch and one finally block
2. Catch Block:
Just immediately after the try block we need to write catch block. This block is responsible to catch the exception which is thrown by the statement written inside the try block.catch block must define an argument to store the reference of exception object . every try block must have at least on catch block.
if try block statement does not throw any exception then catch block is not executed.
Class Exp{
public static void main(String[]args)
System.out.print(“exception begins”);
int res=integer.parseInt(args[0])/integer.ParseInt(args[1]);
catch(ArithmeticException ex)
System.out.Print(“Arithmetic exception caught”);
catch(ArrayIndexOutofBoundException ex)
System.out.print(“Array index out of bound exception”);
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
System.out.print(“Number format exception”);
System.out.print(“Exception ends”);
Finally Block:
block is always executed where an exception is throw or not whether an
exception is handled or not. So those state that you want to execute any how
should be written in finally block.
block cannot be use without try or catch.
Exception Types:
1 Checked Exception:
exceptions that cannot be prevented are known as checked exception. If any
statement can throw this exception then for that statement exception handler is
mandatory compiler will force you to put exception handler.
exceptions are generally occur when application uses system resources it means
those statement that are using system resources (such as file ,database,
network etc) might be raised checked exception.
Note: Except
runtime exception and errors all other exception are checked exception.
2-Unchecked Exception:
Those exceptions
that can be prevented are known as unchecked exception. Compiler will not force
you to put handler for these exception because by using if condition these
exception can be prevented.
exception and error are unchecked exception.
Throw Statement:
statement should be written throw exception object explicitly this should be
done whenever you want to define your own abnormal condition.
Class voter
Int age;
public voter(int age)
public boolean checkage()
throw new ArithmeticException(“voter not eligible”);
Return true;
Custom Exception:
We can also
define exception classes these class are known as custom exception parent of
these classes must be throwable class is the directly or indirectly.
InvalidVoterException extends RuntimeException
InvalidVoterException(String message)
{ Super(message);
Throws Statement:
If a
statement in a method is throwing checked exception and you do not want to put
handler in that method then you need to forward that exception to the calling
chain means caller method. This can be achieved by using throws statement.
Note: if you
calling a method which has throws statement (for checked exception) then
compiler will force you to put handler or to use throws statement.
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